Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Well my grades have been posted for the last block and I did well. I earned an A in Restaurant Law, Introduction to Management, Menu Development, and Cost control and Purchasing class. I did not do as well in Nutrition class as I only earned a B+ in that class. These grades plus the A I earned for my Externship has raised my GPA to 3.47 almost to the 3.5 I need to be on the Dean’s list. One more A in a kitchen class and I should be over the mark.
This week started Baking and Pastry Skill class I have spent the last two days learning how to make some basic bread and they came out really good. I am looking forward to trying my new bread making skills out at home over the Thanksgiving holiday.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Well this block is winding down I have final exams in all my classes and one presentation project left to do and it will be over. On Monday we start our Baking and Pastry Skills Class, I am excited to get back into the kitchen and do some baking. We will be learning to make bread, cakes, pastries, frozen desserts, puff pastry, and plated desserts.
On question I get a lot is do I live on campus, well yes I do. This year I am living in one of the lodges on campus. I am in Cayenne lodge and it’s located as far away from Roth Hall as you can be and still be on campus. The lodges are newer buildings that are comprised of suit setups. In my suite there are three rooms, two single rooms and one double room we have a shared entry hallway and bathroom. I elected to have a single room so unlike last year I don’t have a roommate but do have to share the bathroom. So far there has only been one other person in the suite and as I am an AM student and the other person is a PM student we don’t have any bathroom use issues.
Classes have been interesting but somewhat repetitive for me as I have done the Costing, Management and Law thing before plus I did all those things at Slickbar when I was working. The Nutrition and Menu Development class are all new to me and I learned a lot about what to eat and what not to eat plus how important reading food package labels is. Now I just need to put what I learned into practice.
So long for now I need to go study for tomorrow’s final exams in Management and Menu Development.