Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Hey look at this another post and it’s only been a week. Well lots of things happening here at the CIA. I finished Cuisines of the Americas and started Cuisines of Asia. We are making Chinese food the first three days I have been making Moo-Shoo vegetables the last two days. Tomorrow I will be Souse Chef with the responsibility for the entire kitchen. That means lots of stuff to do. First I have to be at class extra early to pick up the food from the store room and the meat form the meat room and have it in the kitchen and all check in for the start of class at 6:45.
I want to thank all of you that keep checking back to see what I have been up to and a big thank you to everyone that leaves a comment as it’s nice to hear from everyone. In fact there are a couple questions I need to answer for the people that have left comments.
Poly Unsaturated asked about a chilled Cranberry Soup for Thanksgiving and I would serve it as a course of the meal. I don’t know what else you server as an appetizer but the soup could be a appetizer course. Also I would love to have the recipe for it so I could try it as it sounds good.
And Fan of Flan asked about what regional cuisine I enjoyed the best. As I had talked about making all that Chicken Fricassee a couple weeks ago and Fan of Flan thought I was more a BBQ person the a Chicken Fricassee person. I would have to say that is probably true. I very much enjoyed all the different cuisines we did in the Cuisines of Americas and I am having fun is Asia’s but so far the food is not so much to my liking.
The best thing for me now is that I no longer have any afternoon classes. Once I am finished in the kitchen I am done for the day.


  1. 'Sous Chef Ziehl' - flows nicely. Sounds like today will be an exceptional learning experience, especially in an asian kitchen. Very cool.

    Enjoy your much deserved afternoons off - while you can! And thanks for your response.

    - Fan of Flan

  2. I would like the No. 3 please. Do you deliver?

  3. Chef Ziehl - Life took a turn and this is my first opportunity to respond to you about the cranberry soup. I am sorry to say that I do not have a recipe. I was going to experiment and develop a chilled soup, probably using wine and spices and ?, but I realize that I will not have the opportunity to do so this year. If and when I do, I would be very happy to share the recipe. I agree that a cranberry soup sounds different and delicious.
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Poly Unsaturated
